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Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/3/11
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 10/3/11

Meeting Opened at: 6:02pm
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Jonathan Sylbert
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Maggie Leonard for the Monterey News and Michael Storch (Finance Committee)

The board reviewed Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ weekly reports for the weeks ending 9/24 & 10/1/11 which included:
1.  Flood damage repair.
2.  Picking up stone & airport mix in Otis
3.  Grade and gravel Main Rd section by Blue Hill, Harmon, Hupi and Art School
4.  Grade first section for paving
5.  Pave Main Rd (aprons too)
6.  Repair Fairview, Carrington Battelle, Griswold, Mt Hunger, Hupi, New Marlboro, Chestnut Hill, Wellman, bottom of Brook Lane, Rockwell & Art School
7.  Work at town hall (Inter-Departmental Secretary’s office), remove counter and install in hall, put together desk and arrange office.
8.  Kick off meeting with FEMA
9.  Survey with FEMA for 4 hours on Tuesday and again for 3 hours on Friday to view damaged roads
10.  Meet with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service regarding River Rd
11.  Talk to MASS DOT re Main Rd flood damage
12.  Open catch basins and culverts for Thursday storm
13.  Clean out catch basins plugged on Sandisfield, Hupi and Harmon Rds with excavator
14.  Cover chimney at Bally Gally
15.  Meet with Representative from Mass Broadband regarding installation at the Library, Town hall and Fire Dept
16.  Meet with Berkshire Fence to fence of dam
17.  Schedule 25% hearing on RT 23 paving.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The minutes from 9/26/11 were approved with amendments.
2.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  A thank you note from the Sterns for the prompt action from the Highway Dept. in repairing Harmon Rd.  She commended the crew on a great job that has made a big difference in protecting the road and the houses on it.
b.  A letter from the US Dept of Commerce requesting help in an effort being undertaken by the US Census Bureau to collect data about every local government.
3.  Warrants were signed.
4.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.
5.  Wayne caught the Board up on his conversations with the Town clerk.
a.  The complaint the Board had received about information requests not being answered by the Town Clerk was cleared up this past Saturday.  The complainant did send an email to the Board on 9/29 stating it was resolved.
b.  Bylaws; Linda states that everything that was supposed to be sent has been sent and the only things we haven’t heard back from them on was the Telecommunications Bylaw.
c.  Cemetery rebid: Rick Mielke outbid the Gary O’Brien bid.  They have some extra money in their account and plan to do some tree work.
6.  The Board discussed the information provided to them regarding surrounding rents; no motion was made to raise the Bally Gally rent or keep it the same.  The information will be filed.
7.  Jon informed the Board that he instructed M. Noe last Friday to ask the Highway Department to put a tarp over the chimney at Bally Gally until the mason can come do the work needed.
8.  Jon & Wayne informed everyone about the MMA Legislative Breakfast they attended in Sheffield on Friday.  Smitty Pignatelli was in attendance as was Paul Marks a freshman rep from North County.  There was a wide representation of Berkshire Selectmen and Town Managers.  There was a lot of talk about windmills, the fact that the State has not yet offered to pay for the 25% for the damage incurred by Irene, YIP list, Federal Programs, health insurance and another transportation bond coming up.  Jon stated that there are some towns in a co-operative with Berkshire Insurance Group and they negotiate as a group vs as individual towns.
9.  Wayne stated he spoke with Steve Pullen about the issue that M. Noe was having with her check that was fixed but that neither the Accountant nor Treasurer has informed her what the problem was.  Steve informed Wayne that the Treasurer side of the accounting software is separate from the Accounting side and neither person can get into the other’s side of the software.  Wayne also spoke about the GIC insurance and confirmed that it is not a wise choice for our town; it is more expensive than our current policy and is a worse plan (less coverage) than what the employees currently have.  Jon also spoke to Smitty about the GIC insurance and confirmed that it is not a wise choice for Monterey and that a lot of Western Mass towns are not joining it.
10.  The Board met Michael Storch of the Finance Committee (Stan and Dan were unable to make it) to continue discussions on the benefits given to full time employees:
a.  Jon spoke with Dan over the weekend and Dan told him that he agrees with the idea of a phase in of the town/employee split and feels that an employee bonus or a health savings plan might be a better option instead of adding the difference into employee’s salaries.
b.  Michael stated he spoke to Stan and they’ve come to an agreement that adding the difference to the employee’s check in going from 90/10 to 75/25 doesn’t make sense as it affects future raises, the town’s contributions to Berkshire County Retirement and it’s just not an acceptable option to either of them.  They suggest that a plan be developed that new hires come in at 75/25 or 70/30 for family plans and 80/20 for single plans.  They also suggested that existing employees take a share in the increase of (50/50) each year going forward; i.e. if the health increase is 10%, the employee would absorb 5% of it.  Jon confirmed that theoretically if it were to go up 10% the employee would pick up 5% of the increase so the town doesn’t have to absorb the entire increase.  Jon liked this suggestion.  Wayne worried that it might be too complicated.  Michael felt that Monterey can afford the 90/10 for the current employees but that we do not need to be “creamed” on the increases.
c.  It was noted that the health insurance split if changed does not need to go to town meeting as it is just a policy, not a bylaw and would be in the employee handbook once it is updated/finalized.
d.  Scott suggested putting together charts showing Monterey’s past, projected and current growth, expenditures and where our money is to see where the lines cross to determine where the problems are.  Michael felt you’d become very frustrated by seeing this as our main increases are in things we have no control over (utilities, retirement, insurance).  Other types of expenditures that could be cut were also discussed.  Scott felt that proposing taking 50% of the increase is a menial savings to the town and that looking at other higher expenses that could be lowered or cut makes more sense.  He felt that the chart would show which department budgets have increased dramatically over the years.  Scott felt that it was confirmed just now that Monterey doesn’t have any financial issues right now so he doesn’t understand why we’re proposing to mess with the current employees.  Jon stated that’s not true, the town could be in a worse position next year if utilities and other items beyond our control increase drastically.
e.  Wayne asked what the reason was for the main focus being on healthcare; was it because health costs are getting out of hand and we want everyone to bear the burden or is it for basic fairness among the citizenry (private/public).  Jon stated that this has come about because 3 years ago when discussions ensued with the Employee Compensation Committee about getting salaries in line with other towns it was agreed to review benefits next.  This is to get a comprehensive policy for the town to which Wayne noted not everyone at the table agreed that the current policy wasn’t comprehensive.
f.  Wayne felt that the above mentioned proposal for the current employees to remain at 90/10 while absorbing 50% of the increase in premium to the town would have to be capped because at some point it would cost them more than new hires at 70/30.
g.  The Board decided to leave the vacation time as is because it is very similar to surrounding towns.  They also agreed to leave the holidays as is.  Sick time they are proposing to drop from 12 per year to 10 per year and allow a carryover of up to 60 instead of up to 90 with no cash in or buyout option.  Personal time is almost exactly what is offered in surrounding towns the only change would be to make it that they are forfeited if not used instead of being rolled into sick time as it currently is.  With regards to dental insurance it was decided that since 3 people need to enroll in order for the town to offer it, the Board would see if at least 3 employees were interested before we discuss this further.
h.  The Board felt the next step was to meet with employees to let them know what they are thinking and hear their thoughts providing that Dan and Stan, Finance Committee members agree with everything, Michael will speak with them.
11.  Wayne gave a summary of the recent solid waste meeting he attended.
12.  Wayne inquired with Maggie about the empty seat on the Planning Board.  Maggie is aware and looking but no one has shown any interest in the vacant seat.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 7:25pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book